How it all began

“Meeting Ruth is proof that there are no coincidences and that God’s hand is in every detail”


“It turned out that nothing in this world could stop me from falling in love with Sam, and I fall more in love with him every day.”


An instant connection was made after Sam and Ruth met in Provo. From target and snowboarding this relationship led to a lot of time spent together as friends. Over the course of multiple months, the connection grew deeper. One monumental night was a super bowl party where Sam was anxious for the relationship to progress towards dating. After a painful 45 minutes of silence, the ensuing over-the-console kiss was everything magical. Weeks later the two started dating, and spent all of their time together. 

And the rest is history

After 9 months of falling in love the two were engaged at Memory Grove Park in Salt Lake. They are anxiously awaiting the day they get to be sealed to each other for time and all eternity.